


Waste to Energy + Combustion grates


200.000 ton/year

In operation since


In operation
since 2020

One of the biggest single WtE lines in Europe, generating energy by incinerating 200,000 tons of household waste, industrial waste and non-hazardous hospital waste. The 105 tons/hour of steam produced can be used to supply with electricity more than 50,000 families but the steam is primarily supplied to the neighboring companies of the energy hub.
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More realizations from this category

Combustion Grates



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Combustion Grates

Frankfurt – Fechenheim


The grate is designed to work with caloric values in the range from 8.0 to 16 MJ/kg. It provides the steam production of 50 t/h (44 MW).

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Combustion Grates

Berlin - Neukölln line 1 and line 2


The grate is designed to work with caloric values in the range from 8.5 to 16 MJ/kg. It provides the steam production of 60 t/h (52 MW) for each one of the two lines.

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Combustion Grates



The grate is designed to work with caloric values in the range from 11 to 15 MJ/kg. It provides the steam production of 60 t/h (52 MW).

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Combustion Grates

Kleannara Daehan line 1 and line 2


The grate is designed to work with caloric values in the range from 17 to 22 MJ/kg. It provides the steam production of 43 t/h (42 MW) for each one of the two lines.

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Combustion Grates

Koentec Busan


The grate is designed to work with caloric values in the range from 17 to 23 MJ/kg. It provides the steam production of 41 t/h (36 MW).

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Combustion Grates

Nijmegen 2


The grate is designed to work with caloric values in the range from 7.5 to 16 MJ/kg. It provides the steam production of 93 t/h (79 MW).

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Combustion Grates

Asia Paper 1


The grate is designed to work with caloric values in the range from 20 to 27 MJ/kg. It provides the steam production of 30 t/h (27 MW).

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Combustion Grates

Asia Paper 2


The grate is designed to work with caloric values in the range from 16.5 to 21 MJ/kg. It provides the steam production of 54 t/h (41 MW).

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Waste to Energy Flue Gas Treatment Combustion Grates Industrial process

Sao Miguel


The significant logistical difficulties due to the particular geographical and environmental circumstances led the client to seek a grate guaranteeing an extraordinary availability and reliability, with significantly low maintenance needs.

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Flue Gas Treatment Combustion Grates Waste to Energy

Rzeszów 2


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Combustion Grates

Koentec KT-1


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Waste to Energy



Thanks to this WtE plant built by TM.E. every year 140 mln KWh of electricity is produced as a result of waste-to-energy, meeting the needs of 55,000 homes. 167,360,000 MJ is transferred to the district heating network, supplying power to 3,000 homes.

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Waste to Energy

Valmadrera - Lecco


Silea, the project leader, has taken on metropolitan responsibility, ensuring that all municipalities in the region meet their environmental and waste management goals.

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Waste to Energy

Terceira – Azores Islands


The challenge was to build a plant on a small island in in the Azores archipelago, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, where logistical difficulties were particularly severe.

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Waste to Energy



One of the first Waste to Energy plants in Poland with the modern technology that allows achieving emission parameters significantly lower and more favorable for the environment than the acceptable standards.

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Waste to Energy



The Waste to Energy plant was named EcoGenerator as it is a modern industrial plant, promoting the development of the waste management system in Szczecin and the region, improving the quality of life of residents.

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Flue Gas Treatment Combustion Grates Industrial process Waste to Energy



The plant ensures the energy security of Rzeszow by producing electricity and heat in the process of high-efficiency cogeneration. The produced energy and heat are used by residents and institutions in Rzeszow.

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Waste to Energy Combustion Grates



This is a modern, environmentally responsible cogeneration plant with the biggest single WtE line in Poland designed to produce 109 GWh of electricity, with 509 TJ heat cogeneration.

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Waste to Energy



The plant treating 60.000 tones of Municipal Solid Waste per year is one of the most striking buildings in the region. TME’s scope of work was the supply of a new furnace and boiler system.

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Waste to Energy

San vittore del lazio


The plant is characterized by high efficiency and reliability, which led the client to implement a fourth line, for which work is underway and TME has the honor of being confirmed again as Leader of the contractor Joint venture.

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